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Iranian cyberspies revamp their infastructre, adopt new tactics and techniques

Iranian cyberspies revamp their infastructre, adopt new tactics and techniques

APT33 continues to conduct and prepare for widespread cyberespionage activity.
27 June 2019
New destructive Silex malware bricks thousands of IoT-devices in just a few hours

New destructive Silex malware bricks thousands of IoT-devices in just a few hours

Silex malware trashes the storage of the infected devices, drops firewall rules, wipes network configurations and blocks all connections before halting the system.
26 June 2019
Chinese hackers hit 10 major global telcos in a large-scale cyber espionage campaign

Chinese hackers hit 10 major global telcos in a large-scale cyber espionage campaign

Chinese APT10 adversary retrieved call records from hacked cell network providers to conduct targeted surveillance.
25 June 2019
New crypto-currency mining botnet targets Android devices via open ADB

New crypto-currency mining botnet targets Android devices via open ADB

The botnet malware has spread to 21 countries with the highest rates of infection observed in South Korea.
24 June 2019
Attackers hack MSPs to distribute Sodinokibi ransomware

Attackers hack MSPs to distribute Sodinokibi ransomware

The hackers somehow have managed to gain access to two remote management tools used by the MSPs.
21 June 2019