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Imperva: hackers target WordPress 3,5 times more than other CMSs

Imperva: hackers target WordPress 3,5 times more than other CMSs

They analyzed 297,954 attacks and 22,850,023 alerts on 198 of the applications protected by Imperva WAF.
29 March 2016
Insider threat is real. Every 5th employee is ready to sell corporate secrets

Insider threat is real. Every 5th employee is ready to sell corporate secrets

40% of employees are ready to sell corporate secrets for less than $1 000. Some of the responders agreed to sell secrets for $100.
23 March 2016
Incredible epic fails in IT security community of past week

Incredible epic fails in IT security community of past week

In this article we will cover the most embarrassing stories from IT security community, which happened last week.
19 March 2016
ZDI released information about unpatched critical vulnerability in Microsoft Excel 2007/2010/2013

ZDI released information about unpatched critical vulnerability in Microsoft Excel 2007/2010/2013

Use-after-free error was disclosed in Microsoft Office Excel 2007, 2010 and 2013. The vulnerability allows remote code execution when the victim opens a malicious Excel (.xlsb) file.
15 December 2015
Zero-day Vulnerability in Joomla!

Zero-day Vulnerability in Joomla!

All versions from 1.5 to 3.4.5 are vulnerable.
14 December 2015